Tuesday, 24 January 2017


*Please return Marlies forms and money
*Terrific Tigers assembly on Friday - 9:20


*Please complete all answers in your language journals using full sentences

1.             Spell advertisement.
2.             What product or service is this advertisement for?
3.             What is the name of the company advertising this product or service?
4.             The target audience for an advertisement refers to the people or groups of people they hope will purchase a product. Who do you think the target audience is for this advertisement? Explain.
5.             What have the creators done to make this video appealing? Explain.
6.             How do you think the designers want you to feel about their product?Explain, using evidence from the advertisement.
7.             Does this advertisement tell you anything about the product? Explain.
8.             Is there anything else the designers have done to make you want to purchase or use their product? Explain.
9.             Is there anything misleading about the advertisement? Explain.
10.          Do you feel this is an effective advertisement? Explain why, or why not.

11.          If you were able to re-design the advertisement, explain one thing you would do to make it more appealing.

-Decide on the format for your 1812 project (see History website)

-Complete every second question in your Math journals