*Albion Hills forms and money due tomorrow - no extensions!
*Longboard club final session tomorrow at lunch. They look great! Remember, permission forms must be signed BEFORE you can bring your board home
-Novel study - all sections should be complete. Novels should be returned to Mr. Mak
-Make sure you are comfortable with all integers Learning Goals from today (they should be copied in your journals with the examples we went over):
What are integers?
How to order integers from least to greatest
What are Opposite Integers
What is a Zero Pair
What is the Zero Principle
How to add integers (two digit and three digit values) - (+567) + (-345) =
How to add integers if there are more than two numbers being added - (+7) + (-78) + (+56) + (-18) =
-Make sure you have completed:
Integer Addition practice questions from the board today
Integer Addition Mini-test from the board today (out of 7),
The six questions (2,3,10,18,20,23) from the addition and subtraction of integers worksheet
-Integers assignment is due Monday (one per person, but you may work in partners)
-Integer mini-test on Monday
-Renewables assignments part 1/2/3 due by Monday