Tuesday, 21 February 2017


*Marlies trip is tomorrow!
*Terrific Tigers assembly is on Thursday 9:20-9:50
*Mini-Science fair is Friday afternoon (2-3pm) - Please make sure you have everything you need to run your experiment several times
- Some experimental procedures still need to be handed in!


African Slave Trade - TED talk
-Jot down 7-10 things you learned from the video


-Make sure you finished your technology questions (full sentences, when possible)
1.Spell the word TECHNOLOGY twice.
2.Spell the plural of TECHNOLOGY twice.
4.Which technology appeals to you the most?
5.Briefly explain what your favourite of these technology does.
6.Briefly explain why you find this particular technology appealing.


-Make sure you can convert translate algebraic sentences into corresponding expressions
(i.e. 4 more than f is  f + 4)
-Complete the following pages from the booklet of Algebra worksheets you received last Thursday (Generate Expressions, Translating Algebraic Phrases)
-For a challenge, try Translate Algebraic Expressions
-Thursday mini-quiz on translating algebraic expressions

-Audiobooks for Canadian History 1500-1812 are due Thursday