Thursday 8 June 2017


*Please make sure any incomplete work is done and submitted to Mr. Mak (and other teachers) by MONDAY. As discussed many times in class, the JSB expectation is that all work is complete if you are attending Albion Hills.
A few common incomplete assignments:
-Persuasive essay
-CASI assessment
-Geography natural disaster presentation and renewable energy strategy presentation

*Math help/enrichment will be at lunch on Monday

*Look over the list of things to bring to Albion Hills and start packing! See Mr. Mak if you have any questions. Check the weather to get a sense of what it will be like. Should be awesome!!!! Can't wait for the biking and archery!

-Make sure your CASI is handed in (if you did not complete it at school)

-Novel Study summative creative writing assignment:
-Due Tuesday morning

1) Write an idea for a prequel or sequel to your novel. Describe the plot line for it.
2) Write an interview with one of the Protagonists or Antagonists from your novel.
3) Rewrite a scene/event from your novel to improve it (i.e. - rewrite the ending or climax).
4) Write a movie trailer script for your novel (explain what will be shown/what happens in each "scene" in the video/trailer)
5) Critique/review of your novel (short summary of the plot, plus what you found effective and not effective)
6) Create a new character that could be added to your novel. Explain how they would fit into the plot and change it.
7) Draw or design a movie poster advertising your novel. Explain the images on it and why you include each image (i.e. - Will you show main characters? Setting? Which scenes from the plot?)
8) Another creative idea of your own.


-Integers assignment is due Monday
-We will go over subtracting integers on Monday
-Make sure you have completed all textbook work from last week, as well as the six question from the adding/subtracting integers worksheet (2,3,10,18,20,23)

-Short integers test on Tuesday (adding integers, subtracting integers, opposite integers, zero pairs, zero principle, word problems similar to the assignment)

-Renewable Energy sources assignments 1/2/3 is due Tuesday
-All questions are posted on the geography website
-The youtube channel is called "Student Energy"