Wednesday, 21 December 2016


*Thanks to all students that brought in food donations for the Salvation Army and Food Bank. 
*We collected a total of 91 items, which I will match and donate!!!

*Movie afternoon this Thursday (popcorn will be available for $1) - Hint: "Who you gonna call?"

*Dance this Friday afternoon ($5 or three non-perishable food items)

*The Terrific Tigers assembly is tomorrow morning at 9:20. Congrats to Z.M. for her award!
*It should also include the first ever performance of the JSB Rock Band!
*Pizza lunch is on Friday, December 23

-Please make sure BOTH your magazine articles are complete and have been sent to our student editors for proofreading
-Your "entertainment" piece for the magazine should also be complete for tomorrow

-Please get your Data Management tests signed (great job overall 7B!)

-Great work on the tableau presentations! Next Stop: British North America