Friday, 18 November 2016


Great work this week 7B!

-Please get your report card envelopes signed as soon as possible
-Interviews continue on Friday morning
-Rock band final auditions on Monday at 11:50 (in the band room)
-If your are interested in Peer Mentoring please speak to Ms. Bellehumeur
-If you are interested in learning some basics of computer coding, please check out the website

-Make sure your narrative is complete and printed, along with your self-assessment (if not already done)
-Read two articles on and answer the related questions for one of them
-We will start our second "20-time" presentations soon
-We will be using the same success criteria developed as a class for the last presentations
-We will be focusing on "How things are made" (i.e. - cars, phones, clothing, basketballs, etc.)
-Feel free to start thinking about your topic and doing some preliminary research

-Try to complete 5-10 question of your choice from