Friday, 11 November 2016


Great work once again this week 7B!

*Excellent job to those students involved in our Remembrance Day ceremony today

*Any final interview forms need to come in by MONDAY
*I will send home finalize interview times on Monday or Tuesday

*Rock Band tryouts next week (Tuesday - Vocals, Wednesday - Guitar / Bass, Thursday - Keyboards)

-Complete pgs. 61-65 #2,4,5,6,8,9,11a),13,15 (if not done in class)
-Mini test on classifying triangles and quadrilaterals, naming angles, sum of interior angles in triangles on Monday

-Rough copies of narratives should be done with MINIMUM two THOROUGH proofreaders
-Good copies are due next Wednesday (please look over the success criteria and rubric)

-Finish your "10 Facts" (if not completed in class)
-Aiming to complete our canoe paddles by next Wednesday/Thursday, but no official due date yet! They look amazing so far!!!