-Keep working on your two-minute, 20-Time presentations (How It Works or How It's Made)
-Presentations will begin next Tuesday!
-Tomorrow I will hand out the rubric with the updated success criteria we discussed
-Chapter three test tomorrow (questions are posted on the History website)
-Keep researching for your tableaus (due at the end of next week - Thursday or Friday)
-Make sure you are comfortable with the various types of graphs we reviewed, success criteria for drawing a proper graph, primary vs. secondary data
*Rock Band practice tomorrow after school 3:05-3:45
*If time, try some of the computer programming examples on hourofcode.org
*Our class will be helping many of the other classes run their "Hour of Code" programs at JSB next week and the week after. Should be fun!
*Congratulations to S.C. for winning this month's Terrific Tiger award for empathy!!!