Tuesday 13 September 2016

Tuesday September 13, 2016

-For fun, you may keep adding to the "Hurricane" word scramble - CHALLENGE YOUR FAMILY OR FRIENDS!
-Complete the interview a classmate activity (including the paragraph - full sentences!)
-Complete the creative sentences activity (on the back of the interview sheet)

-Please make sure boot camp packages #1 and 2 are complete

-Hockey field trip forms and money ($5) are due at 8:45 SHARP if you would like to participate in the field trip
-Immunization forms

Softball tryouts tomorrow after school with Mr. Mak/Mrs. Shears - bring a glove if you own one

-Curriculum night and the JSB welcome barbecue are next Thursday September 22 from 5:30-7:30
-Photo day is also on the 22nd