Friday 16 September 2016


Great work this week 7B! Have a fantastic weekend.


-Please make sure you review the elements of fiction we went over on Thursday
-Please make sure you review the types of conflict (internal vs. external) we went over on Thursday
-If you did not finish your plot line for "The War,"please do (Be sure to include all parts we discussed in class: exposition/beginning + rising action + climax + falling action + end/resolution)

The War story link:


-Please complete mini-package on expanded form and rounding for Monday


Using the website links on the History blog (

1) Choose and read about two Canadians whose major accomplishments took place between 1840-2016
 2) Choose and read about two incredible people who influenced Canada's History between 1600-1840
3) Choose one Canadian invention or important historical event that you find interesting and read about it

Mr Mak will hand out the project description and rubric, which includes learning goals and format on Monday! It will also be posted on the History blog/website


-Cycling club forms due by Tuesday (first ride is Wednesday 7:50am!)
-Softball tryouts continue next week (Tuesday after school)
-Sound and vision clinic forms due as soon as possible
-Barbecue and Curriculum Night next Thursday 5:30-7:30 (22nd)
-Picture day next Thursday (22nd)