I hope everyone enjoyed the World Cup of Hockey field trip (I know I did!). Go Team Canada!
The JSB staff were all really impressed with how well everyone represented our school today. Keep up the great work!
-Keep familiarizing yourself with the Character Traits from the list I gave out in class today
-Reflect on positive vs. negative ones (and how negative ones can always be improved!)
-We will be adding our own traits to our three-dimensional hands tomorrow
-Place value and rounding (make sure you feel confident with values up to hundreds of thousands, and decimal values to thousandths)
-MAK's MATH MANIAC's after school tomorrow 3:02-3:30 (extra help OR extra challenge - whatever you need!)
-Curriculum night and barbecue Sept 22 (5:30-7:30)
-Softball tryouts continue Friday 7:45am (Meet me outside the gym)
-Borden ball
-Intermural Volleyball
-It's OFFICIAL - JSB now has a CYCLING CLUB!!! First ride is next Wednesday morning 7:50am
-There will be a short meeting/info session about the club in my room at the start of lunch tomorrow. You will need to get one form signed to participate. Hope you can join us!
Cool Link (Using a three-dimensional printer and additive manufacturing to "Print" a bike!)
Read the article as well if you like: