Friday 23 September 2016


Great work this week 7B!


1) Read the article below and answer the related questions in your journals.

1. According to this article, what percentage of Grade 7 students have cellphones?
2. In your opinion, do you think this percentage is accurate for James S. Bell, or do you think it is higher or lower?
2. In most schools, what are students expected to do with cellphones during the day?
3. List three or four reasons why cell phones might be considered a NEGATIVE influence in class.
4. List three-or four reasons why cell phones could be BENEFICIAL in class.
5. The last sentence in the article states: The goal of schools should not be to ban cellphones, but to teach students how to use them responsibly. In your opinion, describe what "responsible" cell phone would look like.
6. Cyber bullying is one common problem resulting from cell phone use at school. If you know that Cyber bullying is taking place, how can you be a leader and help deal with it? 
7. Is this article fiction or non-fiction? Explain how you know.


1) Finish the review package we worked on in class today (rounding/expanded form/standard form/multiplying decimals)

2) Make sure you look over any questions you had trouble with from our mini-test today (and see me for help soon, if needed!)

3) Complete the "squares" and "cubed" questions below in your journals

4) MID-UNIT TEST ON WEDNESDAY SEPT 28! See me for help before, if needed!

What's Coming Up?
Monday and Tuesday we will go over SQUARE ROOTS, PERFECT SQUARES, REVIEW DIVIDING BY DECIMALS and begin on ORDER OF OPERATIONS. Later in the week we will look at Prime and Composite numbers, least common multiples and greatest common factors.